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Soulful Events - Week 3 Feb '23

Events for the 3rd week of Feb '23
Soulful Events - Week 3 Feb '23

Welcome to another edition of the Soulful Events newsletter! We bring you activities and events that nourish your soul.


  • The Infinite Loop - Friday, 17th Feb

    Science faces a manyfold mission: Searching for truth and thus reflecting the intrinsic value of enlightenment, contributing to sustainable developments – and at the same time reflecting on societal challenges with a critical distance.’ – Barbara Haering. She goes on to state that it is by transcending the inherent conflicts of these missions, that ‘science creates added value’.

  • Muqtalif: Ghazal Wali Diary - Saturday, 18th Feb

    Muqtalif, which means different, is formed by three very different people who have found a way to remember some musicians and songs that mustn’t gather dust on the www pages! These are songs that are meant to celebrate the heartaches and the bad decisions and the glorious mistakes that now can’t be unmade.

  • Lost Migrations - Saturday, 18th Feb

    Lost Migrations is a three-part animated anthology which explores the memory, loss and trauma of the Partition of British India – through the voices of the colonised. Each 6-10 minute episode focuses on a community that has been excluded from South Asian historiography: women, the stateless and the diaspora. The anthology is a unique cross-border co-production between the UK, India and Pakistan.Post the screening there will be a discussion with the Spitting Image team and a Q&A session.

  • Gulon Mein Rang Bhare - Sunday, 19th Feb

    Progressive, resounding through time, transcending borders and languages, Faiz`s poetry is dearly remembered and recited not just by those hopelessly in love, but also by those who want to pump their fists in the air against oppression.

  • Capoeira - Sunday, 19th Feb

    Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It is known for its fluid and acrobatic movements and its use of rhythm and song. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of capoeira, including its history, techniques, and cultural significance.

  • What Words Become - Sunday, 19th Feb

    This is not like the poetry you were taught in school or the idea that you may have of poetry being `difficult to understand`. What Words Become is an immersive evening of spoken word poetry that is brought to life by music. The artists will improvise with each other to find the sweet spot where poetry and music intertwine. The themes are relatable as the poet takes inspiration from her life and her observations. 

  • New Moon Healing Circle - Sunday, 19th Feb

    New moon is a phase of setting new intentions, manifestations and welcoming new beginnings, with love. Through our healing circles, we intend to create a space held and supported by the collective consciousness to embark on a journey filled with awareness and compassion.

  • Practising Self Love Workshop by Sandeep Kedia - Sunday, 19th Feb

    Self-love is the First Love. All other love forms can truly begin only from there.. come and experience in depth of your own heart what does feeling love for yourself can feel like.. we will have practices, movements, roses, deep connections and hugs; experiencing self-love through self and through others!

  • Yoga Nidra , A Practice for deep relaxation - Sunday, 19th Feb

    Yoga Nidra is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions. This state of consciousness is different from meditation, in which concentration on a single focus is required. In Yoga Nidra the practitioner remains in a state of withdrawal of the five senses with four senses internalised and the only hearing still connected to any instructions given.

  • Tarot Workshop: A Guide to Card Reading - Sunday, 19th Feb

    Tarot cards are an ancient divination tool that has helped cultures across the world tap into multiple dimensions. Through ancient times, the cards were used, and continue to be used for improved self-understanding and to access intuition. Learn how to read Tarot cards and deepen your relationship with yourself. Working with Tarot cards can be your personal, creative way to reflect on your life and relationships. Tarot cards as a tool for prediction is only one of its many wonders.

  • Intro to Shamanism - Monday, 20th Feb

    Shamanism is a practice of "restoring wholeness". We will enter the world of shamanism by connecting with our spirit allies, chanting and group processes to dive into the magic of this indigenous practice. 

    Did you enjoy any event you visited last week? Or is there an event you wished to have been included in the newletter? Leave a comment to let us know.